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When People Perceive Your 1%

By Quinn S., Grade 12
I show up to Psychology 15 minutes early because I can use my time to do homework without getting distracted by my phone; my teacher thinks I have nothing better to do. I never stop talking in Stats class, even if I’m doing work; my teacher thinks I am enthusiastic. I know where the NBA Hall of Fame is; Kyle Cregan calls me a know-it-all. I ate three cookies at break; they walked past and mocked me.
After parent-teacher interviews, 我爸爸妈妈告诉我,我的一个老师直到九月才知道我的情况. I’ve been here for three years. She didn’t know anything about me as an individual; who I was to her was overshadowed by what she saw of me, 和我一起出去玩的人,还有她在十年级的时候把一个瓷娃娃放在我的窗台上吓到我的事.
从我父母那里听到这句话让我意识到,那些在你日常交往之外的人是如何通过他们看到你的互动来认识你的. 这所学校的每个人都很关心别人对你的看法. The truth is, 当你想在职业生涯中取得进一步的个人进步时,关心别人对你的看法可能是必要的, in your education, and in sports. 问题开始了,当他们对你一无所知时,这有必要吗?
Last year, I was diagnosed with a neurological condition. After missing endless classes for appointments, hospital visits and walks to the Wellness Centre, I failed my math test with a 25%. A boy in my English class told me, “I thought you were in the easy math? Are you stupid?” He knew the 1% of my situation. 我马上反驳说,我之前一整个星期都在医院,所以只能猜测. 如果我很熟悉的人这么说,我一定会很难过或心烦意乱. 来自一个对我和我的处境一无所知的人,一个对我的前进没有任何影响的人, I let it go.
当别人对你一无所知的时候,关心别人的想法是有益的吗? 如果他们知道你的1%的情况,并把你打倒,或者有什么要补充的, you should probably care as much as they do, which is not a lot. Similarly, if they know you well, maybe care or question as they do.
在一个鼓励各种形式的联系的地方,给自己尽可能多的机会, 重要的是要优先考虑什么让你快乐,最终是什么让你成为你自己. 让自己周围的人和事都能体现出你最好的一面, you won’t have to rely on what others might think of you.

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